I have to share with the world (or one person that reads this blog...wait, that is myself...oh, well) how AWESOME Amy at Toni & Guy hair salon is. She does cuts only...you will have to see someone else for color. But good god people, this woman can cut hair. I have been going to her for a few years now, and I have NEVER had someone pay so much attention to my haircut. She is an OCD perfectionist, and takes forever to do the cut. Which is great, because if you are a vain chick like me, you have to have a good one! Or if you are a cheap chick like me, you get pissed when you pay a fortune for a haircut and it sucks. I have been to everyone and their brother in Atlanta, and I can not imagine going to anyone else for a cut. Recently, I went in to have my super long hair chopped off so I could look like
Kim from the Real World Hollywood. Or just pretend that an old lady like me is hot and 23 like her. Whatever. Here is Amy's number. Go see her and enjoy listening to her crazy Chicago accent.
Me before:
Me after:
And no, my "Don't Bother Me I'm Hiking" t-shirt is not for sale, so don't even ask.